Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Casual OOTN: Billabong, Love Culture & Nike

Went out for another Portland Adventure!  That story will be up soon.
And here's the photo of Pey's Barbie...

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Car Flirting

I'm just going to advise you watch the video..there really isn't much more to say that what was already said but I did find what I was looking for on Facebook.  Thank goodness for Timeline.
Also, I am wondering if anyone out there has any "car flirting" stories to share.  Comment below or blog about it and send me a link!  I love the idea of having topics for others to answer or if anyone else out there has a blog or whatever and has something like this where we can share stories, share it with me. =)  It's kind of like the video tags like "My Boyfriend Does My Makeup" or "What's in My Bag" but it's story related.  So lets try that out.  I think it would be fun - plus it makes things interactive and like we're human and not just robots.  Haha. 
How technology and desensitizing the human race...

Oh and I think these all happened when I was driving my dad's truck.  Man..I love that thing.  


Monday, February 25, 2013

Week Eight 2013

Day 50
Things are not always gold .. but sometimes they are.  Just need to have a clear head so you can recognize when it's fool's gold or real.  (More here.)

Day 51
How to not meet a guy at a wedding. awkward!

Day 52
I opened my Man Repeller Glossybox a week and half before posting it.  I also felt like I got it much later than a lot of other people so this is way old news.  But whatevs.  Check it if you don't know what it is then!  Ha.

Day 53
Miss Pey got sick .. here's a blog post for that story and I also made a blog post about how I came across (kno)Name (click here).

Day 54
So I did a nail tutorial .. even though I told myself I would never do any sort of "how to" type stuff (besides food).  I can tell you I could never do a make up tutorial .. I have no clue what I'm doing when it comes to make up.  Haha.  Plus I would get so many comments on how I'm doing it wrong. But it is...

Day 55
I got a new pair of Fergie heels so .. Here's my OOTD turned to OOTN.  From church to dinner with family .. the shoes inspired my look for church and since my dress is so low cut I put on my Free People lace bandeau which then inspired my second outfit since that top requires one my bandeaus as well.

Day 56
Here's my OOTN from Saturday night. I have an interesting story to tell about Saturday night.  Definitely a dating tip of what not to do...oh geeze. Again my pain is other's entertainment.  And you can see that story here.

OOTN: Wilfred, Hudson & Fergie

I love love love love love this outfit.  I wish I showed the back of the top though ... it gets longer in the back.  Super cute.  And it's hard to tell but it's purple.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

OOTD & OOTN: Remain, Red Haute, Hudson and Fergie

I wanted to do something a little different today since sometimes we each have days where we have outfit changes.  I wanted to keep it simple but really, only two items carried over to the next outfit.  However .. I'm horrible at choosing what to wear so those two items helped me figure out what to bring for my second outfit.  Made the decision making so much quicker and painless.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Sugar Spun Nails

Earlier this week I came across this blog post when I saw sugar spun nails for the first time.  So Pey and I thought we would try it out.  I also bought CoverGirl nail polish to try out .. the colors are pretty sweet but it's smallish, also kind of thick.  But I liked it. I would buy it again.

Friday, February 22, 2013

How I Found Out About Flektors

Here are the videos that are related for today.  I'll update this blog post later with more links to what I'm talking about...just wanted to get this posted.  Later dudes!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Glossybox Unboxing: The Man Repeller (January)

Yeah yeah yeah yeah's like the end of February but there were other things I wanted to post before this and so it is finally!  And a review for the products will be posted tomorrow.  I have some favorites!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Mini Me's First Ear Infection

So Miss Pey has her first ear infection.  I am happy to say though that this is her first and for being three and a half that's pretty good!  And what makes it even more bearable is that she's so good about it too.

She's had a cold for a few days now .. Sunday night I was up all night taking care of her.  She slept a little bit throughout the night but with how high her fever was and the fact I knew she wouldn't stay asleep for long I couldn't sleep.  It's difficult to sleep when your child is least for me it is.  I get worried that I'll not be as responsive to her if I fall asleep.

Monday her fever was much better and her cough/cold was still around but seemed "normal".

Yesterday she still had a cough and a bit of a runny nose and her temperature was normal and she was super happy - running around being playful and silly and laughing.  She seemed tired still from being sick but seemed to be getting better.

Today when I was at work she was fine according to her nanny and my mom but after I had been home for just a little bit she started to say her neck hurt and she would grab her right side of her neck beneath her ear.  I gave her some Tylenol and took her for a drive so it could get her to fall asleep.  It was only around 4:30 but she seemed like some sleep would really help and she appeared to be super tired.  Sure enough within half a mile she was out.  Once we got home she woke up within a few minutes and that's when she said her ear hurt.  For two hours I was trying to calm her down and rock her to sleep.  At first I was thinking maybe she was laying on her earrings in a funny way (I've been having that issue lately myself) but she kept telling me her ear hurt so it seemed to be more than just laying on it weird.  And of course it's the evening and I'm thinking of the long night ahead of us since most doctor offices are closed.  But I was wrong (thankfully).

I call her doctor's office at the Children's Clinic at Meridian Park with the intention to talk the advice nurse and that was it but she told me that Pey could be seen at 7:20 tonight.  I was shocked and super grateful since I wanted to help Pey feel more comfortable and get her what she needed and not have to wait an extra 12+ hours.

It was a chore to leave the house though..Pey was not having it.  She was uncomfortable and it took along time to get in the car.  Once we're in and on our way she's calm and falls asleep holding her ear.

My mom (Coco) came with us which was nice so I could run into the pharmacy later and leave Pey in the car with her.  And that way I could carry in Pey and not have to worry about my purse and have attention on her since Pey can be pretty sensitive when she's not feeling good.

We get to the office and when the nurse takes us back and I tell the nurse what's been going on the past few days the nurse turns to Pey at one point to ask her some questions and oh my goodness I wanted to cry.  Partly because I was sad that she wasn't feeling good but also because I was so proud of her.  Pey told the nurse that her ear hurt and answered questions the nurse had.

When the doctor came in, again, I was so proud of Peytyn.  She stands up and starts to take off her robe because she knew he was going to want to check her.  She sat on my lap and again, I tell the doctor the back story and he asks her questions and she answers and tells him what's wrong.  She lets him look in her ears and check her throat.

And I gotta say..this doctor was so awesome.  I like Peytyn's regular doctor and the other doctors within this office but I think he's my favorite so far.

Turns out that Pey's right ear is infected and her left ear is started to get a little one as well.  So he called in her prescriptions and she took them like a champ.  When my mom opened the amoxicillin she said it smelled like bubble gum so I naturally made a big deal and had to smell it.  And that actually worked out in my favor because that got Pey excited and wanted to smell it as well.  She wouldn't drink it at first though.  She ran behind the couch but I told her it would help her ear feel better. After a minute or so she came out and decided she would take it.  Again, I'm so proud of her.  She understands that medicine is important to help her feel better and she's generally really good at taking things.

Then it was time for the ear drops.  When that was pulled out she covered her mouth and nose and said "no".  And I looked at my mom and told her to put in my ear so Pey could understand what it was.  As she was sitting on my lap I tilted my head and then told Pey that it tickled.  Pey immediately tilted her head and let me give her some.  She really didn't like it but was still accepting of it.  We'll see how she does later though when it comes to it. I'm guessing she'll let me give it to her again and not make too much of a fuss about it.

I'm so grateful for the good health Peytyn has had so far.  And even more grateful with how good she is when she gets sick.   And also so grateful for the doctor, nurses and pharmacy for being open in the evenings for things like this.

By the way if you are in the Portland area this office is open evenings and weekends!  And in case you forgot or missed it, it's the Children's Clinic at Meridian Park in Tualatin and we saw Dr. Kilter tonight.  Super nice guy .. even makes some jokes haha.

Now that this 6 hour adventure is over I need to get myself some more food. Only bummer about doing this as a single mom.  I have no dude to tell me to make me food and have something ready for me haha.  Oh well.  We still got it good together.  LOVE YOU PEYTYN!!

Have a good night everyone,

Awkwardly Meeting a Guy at a Wedding

First off, the preview for my video is annoying.  I made it more cropped than it is but it's still all weird.  Whatevs.  I don't care so much to fix it but enough to let you know that I know it's messed up.

So for this's awkward and what not to do.  I should've gone with Plan A and not Plan B.  But..what can you do.  Well, I guess you can learn.  Wutup.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Not Always Gold

So in my video for today I mentioned a blog post which you can see here.  It's the first blog post I made for this blog and it gets to the point.  Otherwise I feel like this video speaks for itself...except now that I'm typing this I realized I forgot to say one thing so here it is:

First, this would be waaaaaay more effective if I said this in the video since not everyone reads the blog that sees my videos..but..if you don't like my way I talk or my personality.  Then don't watch/read/etc. anything that I do.  Just doesn't make any sense to me.  I see a lot of haters on the internet these days.  I see videos on YouTube and some people are just ridiculous when it comes to some comments they write.  I get that maybe they're criticizing someone because they don't like it but why criticize?  Why must some people put negative energy out there and waste their own time watching/reading something they don't like.  Just doesn't make sense.

So keep that in mind.  If you don't like me.  If you don't like how I write.  If you don't like how I talk.  Then I recommend you do something else.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Week Seven 2013

Day 43
Portland Adventure, say what?  WHAT?!

Day 44
Lets make a little somethin' somethin', mkay..?

Day 45
Check link above for how to do pancakes. ^^

Day 46
So excited to share this with everyone!  My grandma was an amazing woman.   It's a long read, but check out her eulogy here.  We need more love like this in the world and here's how my family was inspired by her.

Day 47
February IPSY Glam Bag.

Day 48
So I decide to talk about a few things about myself .. and here you can see my personality and what I'm about.

Day 49
Click to here to help me win a photo contest and for you to have a chance to win a Flektor!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Lucy's Lunches

Each year for Grandma Lucy's birthday we do an act of service.  We decided to make brown paper bag lunches to pass out to the homeless.  We generally put in a sandwich, bottle water, fruit, granola bar and a treat.  My cousin Courtney made the printout to staple the bags closed with.  

There are two things that lead to this.  The first is my aunt Holly.  She had friends who did this for Christmas and so a few years ago it inspired my aunt to do it with her family as well.  The first Christmas they passed out the lunches in Las Vegas.  I think she did this for a few years before my family got involved.  

Christmas 2011 my family was visiting Holly for Christmas in Mesa, AZ.  Between our two families we made 100 lunches to pass out.  

Christmas 2012 my family, Holly's family, my aunt Brenda's family and my uncle Merritt's family passed out 100 lunches in Salt Lake City, UT.  It was during this time that we decided we wanted to do this another time of year as well and shouldn't just a be a Christmas tradition.  That's where the second part comes into play.  My uncle Merritt told us that for Grandma's birthday each year he does an act of service in her memory.  So we decided to put the two together and do this for her birthday which is February 13th.  Our family is a bit scattered so it's nice that no matter where each of us are we can contribute and have the service all throughout.  

This year, my family along with Brenda's (Brenda's daughter and grandkids live in Portland so she decided to fly up and join us) family put together 101 lunches to hand out in Portland.  It was an interesting experience.  At first there were some people who didn't want to take them (a little paranoid) but once we found people they were so grateful - it was even someone's birthday.  He was so happy to receive a lunch and he said he was going to go down to the waterfront to enjoy his birthday meal.  He was all smiles and even laughed..I know Grandma would be so happy.

Now, sharing all of this is less about what we did and more about inspiring others like Lucy inspired us.  Service is the best thing we can do for people we love and other's in our community.  And I've mentioned before that acts of kindness is what's really going to "save us" and give everyone a bit of hope for the future.  Things are scary out there and are probably only going to get worse.  But I'd like to think we can all do our part to share the love we have for each other.  Whether you're religious or not you can't deny that service to others .. even strangers .. will bring hope and happiness to everyone.

Our extended family has decided we'll continue to do this and would like to invite others to join as well.  Whether it's one lunch or 100 .. it doesn't matter.  You don't even have to make lunches, there are countless service opportunities out there, that's just one idea.  

Let Me Be Honest & Share This With You

So I just wanted to take the opportunity and be real for a minute (or 15...).  I wanted to make a video and when thinking about what I was going to say (I thought for almost 24 hours) I realized I just needed to put it all out (appropriately) and do it one video.  Give this video a chance because this is me being totally real and open..I even get teary eyed at one point.  I'll have a follow up video for Tuesday about why I'm blogging/vlogging that kind of wraps up part of this.

If you didn't watch the video you'll be confused by this next part, but I mention two photos I was talking about..and I really hope you watch the video now so you're like not fully confused haha.  It all makes sense, promise.
This one above is the one I submitted, it looks like me and it just seems "young and fresh"..?  Is that what I"m looking for?  I don't know.  But like I said, I feel like it's more "me".

This picture..I don't really think it looks like me all too much.  It's definitely a different style of photo but yeah.  Just doesn't really "represent" me.  Any of that make sense..?

Check out my blog for tomorrow to get the rest of the details on the contest and hopefully I'll have it all figured out on how to win.  Boom.  Thanks guys!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

February IPSY

For those of you who don't know, IPSY is a beauty subscription you recieve by mail.  It's $10/month (that INCLUDES shipping) and you get five beauty samples.

Here is where you can see my January IPSY.

So just like my first IPSY glam bag I wasn't too impressed at first but after trying them out I was impressed.

The first thing I pulled out was the LashCards..yeah I will tell you now I won't use them.  I get the "point" of them but srsly .. I've survived this long without them and I'm generally pretty clean to when I put on my mascara.  Lash cards are creating a crutch to a problem we don't have and could easily clean up.

And as I've continued to use the Pixi Flawless and Poreless I'm still very happy with it.  But it costs $29 for a 1oz. container of it so I'll need to think about it.  I survived without it so far and I do have a discount code through IPSY and I can take advantage of before it expires..but yeah.  I'll have to think about it as I continue to use it.

So far I've only used the Coastal Scents eyeshadows just once but I was pleased with it .. even more pleased when I saw how cheap everything on their website is (plus an IPSY discount code!) but it's a bummer because it doesn't look like it's sold in stores.  I'm good on eyeshadows for now but when it's time to get more I'll likely order from there.

Now for the mascara that I got..I still haven't tried it.  Like I mentioned in the video, I just bought two new mascaras plus got another sample mascara in my Glossybox so I'm "good" on mascaras for now as well.  But I've heard it's a good one!

Now for the MicaBeauty gel was so impressed.  I've always been too nervous to try gel liners.  Last time I got my makeup done at MAC my girl mentioned that's her favorite way of applying liner and I just wasn't having it.  I liked how it looked but was overwhelmed with applying it since this was before I even got a handle on applying eyeliner on my lid in general.  But now I may have converted.  Mostly since I was able to use it for my lower lashes as well and was able to bring it all together.  I was satisfied with the look and how it lasted.  Plus the "sample" I got will last me a long time.  It's a bummer though, full price it's $ we'll see how I feel about it when I go through my sample.  It's likely I'll stick with my $1 E.L.F. liner and then use a second eyeliner pencil for my bottom lashes..but we'll see.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Grandma Lucy's Life.

Leah Lucy Durtschi Phillips - Eulogy

Given May 17, 2008 – Tetonia Ward
~ Brenda Rambur

Home at Last - Little Lucy is Home at Last!  It is truly heart warming to be back in Teton Valley, surrounded by family and friends as we pay tribute to our dear mother, Leah Lucy Durtschi Phillips.  As Lucy’s eldest daughter, it is my honor to share her life story   In order to tell – Lucy’s Story – I’m letting you know that my message is going to be spiritual and somewhat religious in nature and if I say anything that offends any of you – please know it is not intentional – but Lucy’s life cannot be told in any other way because she lived her life based on her religion, which is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints… more commonly called Mormons.  Should you have any questions, please come and talk with me afterward… I know my mother would want you to have your questions answered.

Before her mortal birth – there were preparations in the making of a special family for this beautiful spirit to come to Earth. Lucy’s Father Alfred Durtschi was born in Switzerland.  Alfred’s family was introduced to a new religion by Mormon missionaries in 1905.  These missionaries came preaching about a God that had a body of flesh and bones, not a God without body, parts or passions – this along with other gospel principles spoke truth to their hearts and the family members one by one were firmly converted.  Because this religion was so different, they suffered persecutions by people who used to be their friends.  After much thought and prayer, they decided to leave all their possessions and come to America to freely practice their new found faith.   Alfred and his brothers eventually settled in the beautiful area of Teton Valley, Idaho nestled beneath the western slopes of the Grand Teton Peaks.  They loved this land as it reminded them so much of the Swiss Alps they had left behind.

Lucy’s Mother, Ida Aeschbacher was also born in Switzerland.  Like Alfred’s family, they also were converted to the Mormon faith and many members of Ida’s family came to Salt Lake City.  She did not know Alfred yet.. but as fate would have it Alfred came to Salt Lake looking for a wife and he found sweet little Ida.  They were married in the Salt Lake LDS Temple in Oct. of  1914.

I wish I had time to tell you some of the hardships and events these brave pioneers to America went through.  It is truly amazing what people of this time experienced and sacrificed in order to live in a land of freedom and practice their religious beliefs.  What I can tell you is that this new family of Alfred and Ida Durtschi was based on a deep conversion to a religion that answered all Earthly questions about why they were here and their purpose in life.  It gave them a strong foundation of inspiration and faith, regardless of any obstacle or hardship, their life was happy, meaningful and loving. 

Alfred and Ida had 3 children – Arnold, Isabel and Walter.  Their family would not be complete without the birth of one more baby – Lucile, but surprise!!  Little Lucy must have decided she couldn’t wait any longer and tagged along with Lucile.  2 little red-headed girls were born on February 13, 1924, and made this family complete.  Being Lucile’s twin sister was always such a treasure to Lucy.  She loved her and always felt incomplete if her twin wasn’t right there!  I’m sure part of her sense of always sharing with others came from being a twin. As I sat with her in her last days, she would always make sure I got my share of food or treat, asking “Did you get yours?”  The last and final name my mother could speak without prompting was “Lucile”. 
It is also very interesting to note that just a few weeks earlier on January 5, 1924, Ida’s sister “Lena” had a set of twin girls as well - Betty and Barbara Duersch. I don’t think this was a coincidence!  These girls lived just a few miles apart, shared their childhood experiences and developed a life long bond. Mom told us their best summer entertainment was the Duersch “swimming hole”.  One day the kids got Aunt Lena to jump in with her clothes on… She made a great dive – but somehow managed to loose her false teeth…  the boys took a few dives under water and luckily found them!  Now we know where Mom got some of her spunk since Lucy  has taken a few dives into swimming pools fully clothed as well!    

As a little girl  Lucy really did have fun!!! Being born on a dairy farm with lots of room for adventures in nature, pastures to roam, berries to pick, horses and sleigh rides,  and cows to milk – I did say fun didn’t I?... You may think milking cows wouldn’t fall into this category, but you need to know one more thing about this special family  – they were Durtschi’s and Durtschi – loosely translated – means “Love of Work” or “Work is Fun”, especially when you are singing.  Grandma Durtschi told her children to sing to the cows and they will give more milk.  In my mothers notes she wrote of the wonderful feelings she had when going into the barn to milk.  The smell of fresh hay and the warmth and gentle mooing of the cows as they sang and milked were wonderful memories to her and she missed that feeling of “working” in the barn.  Yes work became “fun” and she taught that to her children.   I remember about age 10, Mom and I were driving in the car and I mentioned that I needed to file my nails – they were getting too long and she smiled and said “if your fingernails are too long, you haven’t been working hard enough!”  That was the last time I told her I needed a manicure!!

Lucy’s mother Ida had a great love of music.  She taught her children to sing beautiful songs and the 3 Durtschi sisters learned to sing as a trio as well as learning at least one musical instrument.  Mom related the memory of her mother getting her up early in the morning, sitting her on the kitchen table top and as she dangled her legs over the edge of the table, her mother would sit in the chair facing her and they would sing the Alto part together  This love of music was something she learned to share with others. 

I do want to relate a story that exemplifies Lucy’s gumption, even as a young girl.  Lucy had a favorite horse Bess.  Well one day she was in Driggs, the largest town in Teton Valley, with her family for an annual celebration and they held a horse race down Main Street.  Lucy decided that the following year, she must enter her horse Bess because she just knew that Bess was a real runner and could outrun any of those horses.  The next year came and Lucy took Bess to town and got herself all situated for the race.  What she wasn’t counting on was Bess hadn’t been to town and wasn’t used to all the cars and commotion.  A car came by “spooked” Bess and off Lucy went – she hit the ground and didn’t win the race… but She tried!   This was a trait she carried with her through out her life.  Lucy went for her Dreams.  She took action.  She would figure out ways to accomplish her goals and she would not give up.  She truly believed the only way to fail was to not take the initiative and TRY.

Her Mamma and Papa taught their children to be responsible and the true value of feeling accomplishment.  Most of all they were exposed to feelings of the spirit thru their experience of church conferences and meeting general authorities and prophets of the church.   In her writings she tells of powerful joyful feelings that gave her hope and inspired her in many choices and decisions throughout her life because of these convictions.  It was never hard for her to make a choice.  She would pray and act on the answers that came to her.

Lucy grew into a vivacious young woman.  She had long dark auburn hair, hazel eyes, an ivory completion, complete with a few freckles, and a dazzling smile.  During World War II she, and her 2 sisters, went to Salt Lake City to work in a facility that made ammunition to supply to the Army.  While there they also went to lots of USO dances and she was quite a jitter bug queen.  She loved to dance.  During this time her sister Isabel took up hairdressing for an occupation and Lucy decided she would do the same.  This was a good decision and fit her personality perfectly.  She was good at fixing hair – but she was even better at listening to her customers – because she loved them!  Beauty salons would come to play a prominent role in her life. 

In 1946 Lucy and Lucile served a full time mission for the church.  She always said this isn’t something she had in her plans.. but her father had promised the Lord because he was so grateful to the missionaries that left their family to come to Switzerland and share the gospel with them, that all of his children would go on a mission.  Well, she said – how can you not go – when the Lord has been promised!  
Leaving home and going to northern California to serve the people of this area was to be one of the most cherished times in her life.  She had many faith promoting experiences, but we only have time for one.  In Mothers writings she tells of a woman, Marie Anderson.  Lucy and  her companion knocked on her door one day spoke to her briefly and they gave her a Book of Mormon. They could tell that she had problems with her eyesight because she did not look at them clearly – but rather looked off in the distance.  Later, they went back to see her -  Marie told them, I must be baptized – this book is true.  I had prayed for answers about my life and you came with this book.  I can read it without my glasses!   It was a joyful time to help this woman find the answer she had been seeking.    Because of spending time in this area, Lucy and her husband would later decide to move to northern California.  It’s interesting how life unfolds…!

Returning from her mission in 1947, Lucy gave a report at a church conference.  A handsome young man, John Phillips, was in the audience and touched by the amazing spirit of this beautiful redhead, he asked her out, fell in love, and they married May 19, 1948 in the Idaho Falls, LDS Temple.  They moved to Tetonia his parents homestead, Milt and Sybil Phillips, and farmed for several years.  During this time eight children were born:  John, Brenda, Ronnie, Milton, Merritt, Holly ….  Lastly – twins, Dean and Dale – which she prayed for and finally got.  I told you she was determined!  Lucy gave her children lots of room to have their own adventures on the farm – just as she did as a child.   Lucy loved John’s family.  I watched my mother fix Grandmas’ hair every Saturday for church on Sunday.  We learned how important it is enjoy your Grandma! There were many visits with Phillips relatives coming to the farm.  Lucy would cook her famous Dutch oven chicken on an open fire and there were always homemade cinnamon roles and other goodies to eat.  What fun we had! 

As we know, there are always trials in this life.  One of the children, Ronnie, died unexpectedly from an accident at age 11.  During this time our parents taught their children that death is not to be feared.  That there is great comfort in knowing we will be together again as a family and there is not only hope, but joy in knowing our brother was only separated from us for a while.  What a great lesson we were given at that time.  Lucy was a mother who taught by example.  She did not just preach the gospel – she lived it.  Her actions of serving, loving others, and living a faith based life gave her family a strong foundation which we cannot deny.

Life on a farm is not always financially rewarding and in 1968, John and Lucy decided that they should try making a life in a larger community where there were more job opportunities.  They hated leaving the small valley and dear friends and family, but after much prayer and a few trips to the area, they moved their family to Fair Oaks, CA.  In reading an old letter of Dad’s he speaks of driving down a main road and seeing a street sign called McKay, which is the last name of one of our prophets.  Then turning on another street, he saw a street sign, Deseret, another common LDS name.  Driving down Deseret  he saw a familiar sight – an LDS church building.  He wondered if this would be the place for his family to settle.  He went to church that Sunday morning wondering what to expect…. Well, the Bishop conducting the meeting was Bishop Scott Newey – for those of you that know Bp Newey, I don’t need to say anymore.  For those that don’t know him, you need to.  … my mom and dad bought a house and moved their children into Northridge Ward and let the rest of their lives unfold as it should. It was the right place and right decision.  They were able to buy a new home big enough for their large family  – it was in the right neighborhood – all the schools were within walking distance – there was a perfect room in the home that allowed for a small in home beauty salon - which set my mother in place to perform her greatest work - righteously raising her young children alone as a widow at the age of 46.

 Just two years after moving to California, tragedy struck.  My father had been hired as the manager of the stake welfare farm.  He had a fateful accident in his farm truck and was killed.  Since his accident happened while he was at work, there was an insurance benefit paid to my mother.  In faith, she prayed for guidance.  She knew she needed to add more equipment to her home salon – at least one more hair dryer.  She saw an ad in the local paper saying beauty salon equipment for sale and after calling, went to see the condition of the dryer she was interested in. When she got there, the man had a small salon full of equipment for sale – Mom asked what are you doing with the rest of this … he said I’m closing up and it’s all for sale.  Mom contacted her home teacher Brother Snow.  He came with her and looked at the little shop and he told her, we can help you get this remodeled and I think this would be a good little business for you.   Well that was all Lucy needed, she was off like a shot!  That beauty salon was the first of 4 salons she would eventually own in the Fair Oaks/Citrus Heights area.  She worked hard, but thoroughly enjoyed her relationship with “her” girls that worked in the salon and all the many customers that came to have their hair done.  Sure there were lots of ups and downs, many times money was very tight – but she always managed.    Sometimes she needed help and help was given, she appreciated this and accepted help gratefully knowing this is how the Lord expects us to live.  Sharing and helping each other.  I don’t have to tell any of you that Mom was always there to help others.  It was just how she lived. 

There are many special memories that our family can relate about Mom and we don’t have time to tell you all the wonderful things she did during this brief time I’m allotted, but I do want to say that for me… I was always a little rebellious.  Not nearly as generous as my mother.  There were times I would see her working so hard in her little shop – and then I would often hear her say to a customer “ No No, you don’t have to pay this time.  I want to give this to you!”  One day I couldn’t take it any more…  I decided to speak up and scolded her saying  – Mom .. Do you know your children have holes in their tennis shoes? She paused and looked at me tenderly and said, Brenda, their shoes are just fine… this woman needs the help and I need the blessing!  And she was blessed over and over again.  She truly knew that money could buy material things – but loving and serving others … well there is nothing on Earth that can give you more joy or more blessings!

Fortunately, or I believe again another blessing – a wonderful person Janness Cassidy came into our mothers life just prior to our father’s death.  Janess and Mom shared so many wonderful fun and spiritual times together -  I know she filled a void that we, as her children, could not.   I know Mom would want her to know how much support and comfort she gained from having her in her life.  She was literally a God send!

Even though she had a very busy life, Lucy actively participated in various church callings.  She served in Mutual, was a music chorister, choir director, and arranged special musical numbers for sacrament meetings / which she loved because she could help the youth develop their talent… but I think her favorite calling was teaching Primary, especially the children turning 8 years old.  This is the time that the children are of age to be baptized and she would gather all the kids in her class and make sure they attended their classmate’s baptism.  Afterwards they would have hamburgers or other treat and sometimes go to her house to play games and have fun.   I know mom did not have lots of money or extra time to do this – but it wasn’t a consideration – it was a decision based on LOVE for these children. 

As in all areas of her life, Lucy did not just tell her children to work… she worked with them!  We built many a rock wall together to create a beautiful landscaped yard in Idaho and cleaning beauty shops in California was an added bonus!...   but after the work was done - oh how she loved to see us have fun! ! She made sure each child was being entertained and not sitting idly by.  As children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, we all have many memories of crazy fun times with Grandma Lucy, whether it was playing fun games such as Foggy in the Meadow, Jolly Jolly Butcher Boy, Going to Heaven on an Ironing Board.  She didn’t mind if the kids rough housed, tossed each other in the air in blankets or just ran in circles – as long as they were having Fun together that’s all that mattered.  

As she grew close to retirement, Lucy thought about going on a 2nd mission for the church.  This became a reality in 1991 when she was called to serve in the Nevada Mission.  She wrote letters and told us of many wonderful experiences bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ to so many people and there were many baptisms that brought great joy as lives were changed.  She didn’t want to return, but she did come home and finally decided that she really should retire. 

Since she was retiring,  our sister,  Holly, wanted Mom to move to Portland and live near her.  This would be one of Lucy’s most heartfelt blessings.  Our dear brother-in-law Mark and Holly built her a beautiful new home just down the street from the Portland Temple.  There my mother spent many days doing what she enjoyed most – temple work.  She went daily, most times doing more that one session.  If you will allow me to be a little personal here…    It was during this time that I know my Mother put my name in the temple every time she went… looking back I truly believe she went so much because I needed so much help…. For as I mentioned before – I was somewhat rebellious and wanted to live my life in my own way.   It was during this time that many small and wonderful miracles happened in my life – and I gained a true testimony and love of the gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  I will be forever grateful to my mother for her unconditional love - her determination to never give up on me or any of her children.  For those of you who are in a similar circumstance and do not know what to do with your children… live a life of example, make sure they know you love them, and pray for God to allow His angels to take them by the hand, and then have the Faith that you know He will do his part.

Yes, Lucy truly enjoyed her “retirement” years in Portland. She had a beautiful yard full of flowers, and not only was it convenient for her to go to the Temple, but she opened her home to visitors and many other people came and stayed with her so they could attend the temple.   It was a time of fulfillment … but it was also a time of trial as she began to develop a loss of memory due to Alzheimer’s disease.  She knew it was coming – I’m sure she was scared – but she continued valiantly on - living each day the best she could.  When she could no longer safely live alone, a dear family member, our sister-in-law Cosette’s mother,  Marylyn Gilisse, came and lived with mother and was such a great help. We so appreciate Marylyn for the service and time she spent with Mom.  She was truly patient and kind to our Mother and Mom truly loved her.

Eventually in 2001, Mom needed more care and once again Mark and Holly built another home, this time in Rigby, ID  so  she and her devoted sister, Lucile, could live together. Lucile was so good to help her sister and we so appreciate Lucile for her service to Lucy over the course of several years. We knew that this was the place Mom wanted to be most. Looking back, we know this was a somewhat daunting task for Aunt Lucile  – after all -  don’t forget she  was no spring chicken!!  Now that the time is past,  I know it was and is a time of priceless memories.  Lucy and Lucile were together, until it was necessary for Lucy to have more help.  Mom came back to the Fair Oaks area last summer, July 2007 living in care facilities that could meet her special needs.  Again, thanks to Holly and Mark – our mother got the best care possible.  She truly was blessed beyond measure by their generosity.   I know Mom would want me to publicly say “thank you - thank you - thank you”… to Mark and Holly for all you provided …not just for her, but for the many trips and events we attended together as a family because you made it possible.  

Having Mom return to California was a very personal blessing to me as I could be with her almost daily.   She was quite a character and even though she could not talk much… right when you would least expect it she would come up with a real zinger!!  Sometimes we would just do silly stuff like pull funny faces together just like kids do… how sweet those times are to me.   As her memory faded, her communication was very limited – but she was able to sing songs!  Oh how grateful we were for beautiful songs that allowed us to communicate our feelings and words of love for each other and our family and friends.  It seemed as we would walk along and I’d talk about something songs would come to mind to fit the occasion.  We sang old favorites, hymns and lots of primary songs.

One day in January, we had to make a trip to the doctor and it couldn’t be postponed… that day we had a terrible storm  – it was really raining and the wind was blowing hard… All of a sudden Mom started to sing “ Oh the weather outside is frightful!. I just cracked up… she knew what she wanted to say – and found the perfect song to let me know.    We did have a hymn that is our “theme” song called “Count Your Blessings”. We’d sing it every time I went to visit.  The hymns message to me exemplifies her life lesson about the principal of gratitude and choosing happiness.   No matter how bad things got, or what hardships she had to bear – she would have the most optimistic attitude.  What she did was quite simple  – she stopped thinking about her sorry state and chose to think about all the positive things she did have in her life… this would usually end in another trip to the neighbors with a dish for their dinner or a letter or phone call to someone who “really” needed to be cheered up. 

During the past month of April, she became increasingly tired and our last real conversation together I asked her late in the day if she was ready to go to sleep for the night and she responded,  “FOREVER!!” and gave me a determined look and then that magical smile and we both hugged each other knowing she meant it!  The following day, she didn’t want to sing – but listened patiently while I played the piano to her and sang some songs, but for the first time she did not join in.

When I checked on her the next day, Saturday, April 26th, she was running a high temperature and I had her taken to the hospital.  In talking with the doctor he advised she had an internal infection and it was determined her Earthly life was coming to a close.  All her children came during that next week to tell her good-bye and lend support to those of us here.   On Saturday May 3rd at 10:20 PM with her loving children singing choruses of songs around her bed, she slipped peacefully out of her old tired earthly body and I believe into the arms of her dear husband, John.  She had waited such a long long time for this reunion. It will be their 60th wedding anniversary in just a few more days. I think Dad finally got his request to have her home with him and their son Ronnie!   

In closing,  I would like to read a poem specifically for my brothers and sister Holly -  Lucy’s children:  (you grandchildren and great-grandchildren and extended family should listen too…..

You’ll never forget your mother’s face,
The sound of her voice, The gentleness of her touch…                                                                               
They let you know you were loved.

You’ll never forget the stories she told,
The traditions she handed down…
They let you know who you are.

You’ll never forget the lessons she taught,
The things she stood for…
They are her gift and your legacy.

You’ll never forget, and you’ll always know
That you honor her every day
In how you live and who you are.

This is a wonderful day – it is a day to share our memories and words of  gratitude for this genuinely loving person who we treasure.  She is a beautiful and truly amazing spirit who loved life and those in it, and so we say to you, Lucy - We love You! 

I apologize for taking so much time – but I had to say those things that came into my heart.  I know that Lucy’s spirit lives.  I know that our Heavenly Father has tremendous love for her and each of us.  I know that through Jesus Christ we will be resurrected and have the opportunity to live together again through the Eternities.  May God comfort us in our loss and bless each of us as we remember to love one another. I say these things in Jesus name.  Amen.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

How to Make Swedish Pancakes!

In memory of my Grandma Lucy (who passed away in 2008) I wanted to share with you a recipe she taught me and soooooo many others.

What you'll need:
2 Cups Flour
1/3 Sugar
1 Teaspoon Salt
2 Tablespoons Oil
3 Eggs
2 1/2 Cups Milk
1 Stick of Butter
Cinnamon Sugar Mix

Set electric stove to 350 degrees. Combine the flour, sugar, salt, oil, eggs and milk in a large mixing bowl and .. mix.  I recommend mixing dry ingredients first so you can get most of the lumps out.  Then pour onto heated pan/skillet/stove/whatever and spread it out so it's thin.  Once the edges start to brown flip it.  Then once the other side it my video to see the color it's supposed to it on your plate!  Butter it up with butter then add some cinnamon sugar and're almost done.  Make sure to fold it or roll it up so it's easier/cleaner to eat.

And today is Grandma Lucy's birthday I'll mention in a post in a few days more specifically but in her memory, please do an act of service for someone else.  Grandma Lucy was always doing service for others even though she had many trials herself.  Thank you have a wonderful day!

In case you are a more visual person here's some YouTube to help you out:

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Portland Adventure: Montage, Glowing Greens and the World's Smallest Park

Alright dudes.  This was like a last minute PDX chill sesh that turned out to be a lot of fun!  So this dude that I hung out with I met only once before.  I saw him a church once with my friend Dave Mac and I met him briefly.  Then sometime later D. Young either called or texted me saying that he gave this dude my number because he was looking for something to do and apparently I'm the one who knows what everyone around here is doing (um..I'm not but that's okay.  I'll take it as a compliment).  Obviously I can figure something out to do by checking Facebook events or texting my fellow YSA peeps.  But anyways this dude never contacted me that day so whatever.

Now months later again, he asks D. Young (who btw is married so like..that's why that's not the obvious choice of what to do) of what's going on with the local YSA.  So he gave him my number again and recommended to ask me.  Turns out this guy did text me the first time a few months ago but got the number wrong.  Whoops.  Ha.  But anyways I get a random phone call and I normally don't answer unknown numbers but hey, it's a Friday night and if it was someone I didn't want to talk to I could just hang up.

So I answer it and it took me a moment to realize who I was talking to.  After asking what was going on that night and then checking Facebook to see if there were any parties or gathering of some sort and to find out that nothing was going on we decide to make our own fun.

We me up downtown at Montage.  I had never been there before and as I mentioned in my video I was nervous about driving.  Mostly because he described it as "sketchy looking" even though it's not and it's located under the Morrison Bridge.  Plus it's on the other side of the river of Portland that I hardly ever go to.  If it was on the side of the river that my office is on then I would feel confident about driving/parking.

Parking wasn't so bad and I was actually later getting there than we planned.  But that's okay.  It let him have time to Facebook stalk me haha.  I'll get to that in a moment.

But as he walked up to meet me at the restuarant, I saw this sign on a post of some sorts and wanted a picture.  But didn't want to be "that girl" the first moment he was around me.  So we go inside to get a minute wait..okay..let's go for a drive then.  Before walking to the car I told him that "I was that girl" and took a picture.  Here we go..!
So as we're driving to kill time we're just chatting and just getting to know each other and that's when he told me that he Facebook stalked me. He told me that he saw that I had a little girl (easiest conversation of talking about Peytyn to a guy for the first time..big fan, ha) and he was nice and said how cute she was.  So immediately it's safe to say that he and I will get along (because he admitted to the FB stalking).  It was cool that he told me he did that and it was pretty funny.  HOWEVER this does not give you people of the internet that I do not know of permission to do that.  Not that my Facebook is any more private than my blog/videos.  But don't do it.  Ha.

Eventually we get around to eating and the food was pretty good.  It was like a Louisiana type food place.  We ate alligator and jambalaya.  Mmm.  Even got our food to take home in a bunny shape! (He was a gentleman and paid for my food even.  That's how you do it, dude.  Ha)
So when deciding to do something else we narrowed it down to either go glow in the dark mini golfing at Glowing Greens or go play arcade games at Ground Kontrol.  Even though I gave him the options (with the intention of him deciding) I ultimately chose to go to Glowing Greens.  Because then I could drive (confidently since I work just a few blocks away and know the area/parking) and also pay.  When making plans to chill it was super casual and it wasn't like he asked me on a date so I wanted to keep it even between the two of us.  And I knew Ground Kontrol was cash only and I didn't have a lot of cash on me.  Plus it's pretty loud in there and would likely be busy.  Everyone that goes there tends to be super chill and super nice but I thought it would be too much for trying to get to know someone.  I felt like there was more potential awkward moments there.  And sure enough we get to Glowing Greens and it's almost empty and the noise level is very low.
I didn't take any pictures when there..wait..he did.  Oh well.  He was just showing me how green my teeth were in the black-light.  Ew.

But theeeeeen we went to the World's Smallest Park.  And honestly I always show this to everyone when I go downtown.  Last time I took a picture of it was in July and I had like 4 or 5 other pairs of feet in it.  Haha.
And that's pretty much it.  It was a chill night and he was super cool.  We got along pretty well.  And the reason why I don't mention is name is because I don't know if he is like super open on being on the internet.  Like I'm close friends with D. Young and Dave Mac that I don't think they would care so much and I don't talk about them much anyways.  So yeah.  No secrets here.  Just don't want to cross boundaries.

I did tell him that I blog so he knows that I do and I even mentioned the daily videos (not something I talk in real life about..I only mention it on Twitter).  He thought the videos was cool so for all I know he's already seen them all..haha..just kidding.  I don't think he stalked that much.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Week Six 2013

Day 36
How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk Chapter Two.

Day 37
Two songs that I connect with.

Day 38
So I came up with a new vocab word for you.  It's almost like getting "Mormon drunk/wasted" with Martinelli's.
Day 39
Check out Nike's Roshe Woven Men's shoes!

Day 40
Check out "Day 39" post for the follow up as well ^^

Day 41
Check my church OOTD here!

Day 42
Portland Adventure OOTN blog post found here.

OOTN: Portland Adventure

Went out for a last minute random Portland Adventure with a dude I didn't know..haha.  Alright I met him once at church awhile ago.  He recently moved to the area and asked a mutual friend what to do and my friend said that I was social and new what's what around here and .. yeah.  I would like to say I'm social but I don't really have a clue what happens around here.  Haha.  So we made our own fun.  That story is for tomorrow!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

OOTD: Talula Veronica Dress with Fergie Lattitude Boots

I wore this dress to Matt & Taylor's wedding with just my nude Nine West peep toe heels and then wanted to wear it to church so I added leggings for comfort/warmth and paired the boots with it.  I honestly wasn't too sure about it.  I liked it all together and normally wouldn't wear this kind of combination but I got a lot of compliments during church and then even later.  

I buy most of my clothes from H&M and Aritizia these days and I normally only buy things on sale at Aritzia since they're typically $$$ but the quality is definitely up there and I love how this dress was made.  It has pockets and I love how it's lined with the soft fabric on the inside and it fits perfectly.  Sometimes it's hard to find things that fit tight since I'm so small but this one totally works!!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Nike Roshe Woven

It's the boss man's birthday so Cassie and I got him some new shoes!  Check them out.  I'm really starting to want a pair for myself.  What do you think?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Zephyr - In a Better Place in a Better Time

Here I share some thoughts on two songs that I've connected with since I was a teenager.  And I was totally wrong on the title of the Streetlight Manifesto song .. it's actually called "In a Better Place, In a Better Time". 

When I was a junior in high school, I took a Greek Mythology class and my teacher was frikkin awesome.  She would tell the different stories and was so awesome at it!
One story she shared was the story of Persephone and Demeter.  And in the story Hades takes Persephone to the Underworld on a Zephyr.  Automatically I imagined a dark but godly chariot.  I later learned that it was actually a wind .. but everything is open to interpretation. Just like this song.  It's likely this song is about drugs and stuff (the video is pretty psychedelic) but for me, it's a different type of escape.  It's like how I imagined the chariot flying in the sky.  It just really soothes me.

Now for this song, I like the whole song but it's really just the lines "And when you wake up everything is going to be fine I guarantee that you wake up in a better place in a better time". Again, for me it's about things getting better and that no matter how crappy it is right now, you'll be okay.  You're not on this earth to suffer your entire life.  Everything will be fine.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

HTAFILWAJ - Chapter Two

So I get that text from one of my friends.  I then share it with my friends on Instagram and automatically a few responded saying they've read that book and that is was frikkin good.  So I borrowed my friend's copy and just the first chapter alone, I knew I was going to get something out of it.

The first chapter recognized that I'm definitely the target reader.  It's not that I felt that I'm the only one out there with these problems when dating but it was comforting to know that I'm not the only tricked by guys.  Not that all guys I've dated are jerks or liars but it just helped knowing that it's a common thing.  It also answered the question as to why I get bored with nice guys so easily.  Haha.

The second chapter goes over the RAM (Relationship Attachment Model).  In the video I mentioned different levels of things and now with the book in front of me I can present it more clearly.

There are the five components of a relationship. Know, trust, rely, commit and touch (physical relationship).  And they develop in that order.  Once you get to know someone you can start to trust them.  Then rely on them .. then commit .. then the sexy things..blah yeah you get it.  And while I think most can agree that these are all important components to love and relationships I don't know how many people would describe how to go about doing each of these and in what order and to what level.
Epp explains that you can't have the levels be higher the previous one.  Your "know" needs to be on a higher level than "trust" .. "trust" is higher than "rely" .. "rely" is higher than "commit" .. "commit" is higher than "touch".

You can't rely on someone more than you trust or know just doesn't work and it's out of balance.  Same with committing and having a physical relationship.  A balanced relationship isn't having it the same across the board .. it's about not having the right side higher than the left side.

That's the basic information on the RAM plan and as the book goes on it goes into detail on each of the five components and I'm really interested in learning about it and having a better understanding of these things.

Just two chapters in I'm ready to buy my own copy and take some notes so I recommend getting this for yourself. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Week Five 2013

Day 29:
My worst could've been worse but it was really disappointing.

Day 30
So I needed to get some more make up.  Check to see the fail/success of each product.

Day 31
I took Brooke to see Warm Bodies!  The movie came out on the first but they had a 10PM showing on Thursday so we thought we would check it out! In the video I don't review the movie too much since I'm so against getting people's opinions on movies before seeing them.  So no worries there if you plan on seeing it.  If you've seen the movie or don't care if I spoil it for you check out the blog post here to read my thoughts on it.

Day 32
A lot went down in this video.  OOTD, follow up on my new make up (bought another eyeliner and mascara to try), I went into work for a bit and walked around downtown for a bit since it was so nice out!  I even have a little dating thing. Check it all out here.

Day 33
I review the new Baja Blast Freeze and talk about the new book I'm reading. Also a small room update.  Click here.

Day 34
What I wore to church.  Kept the video simple, haha.  This is a first, mkay guise.

Day 35
So I'm doing things differently and making it make more sense. Bam.