I used a cat cookie cutter and then flipped one
of them so they can look at each other. I then
did my best to cut out the Nike symbol with a
knife. |
Lately Peytyn has been wanting to decorate cookies and on Monday she came home from school saying she wanted to make some for her teacher. So yesterday afternoon Peytyn and I baked some cookies and she decorated them this morning before school.
Now, I'm no decorating pro. I tried my best and am happy with the results even though they don't look all that great. Pey, however, did a fabulous job.
For the cookies, I bought a sugar cookie mix from the store. Once all the ingredients were mixed, I wrapped the dough in plastic wrap and put it in the freezer. That makes it easier to work with once it's more firm. I only put the dough in the freezer for 10-15 minutes.
I separated the dough for Pey and me to use. I recently bought Peytyn her own rolling pin, cookie cutters and cookie sheet and they are pretty sweet. I got them from IKEA and you can see it
here. I love how small they are! So cute and easier for her to handle as well.

For fun I thought it would be cool to make a Blazer cookie and it's simple logo and coloring so why not?? Yeah..didn't turn out super great but I like them!
To cut out the right shape I used a cup to make an indent on the rolled out dough and I then used a butter knife to cut out the little..um..curves? Haha..honestly, the Blazer logo reminds me of 69 but meshed together. Once the little "curves" are cut out I cut out the indent I made with the exception of the the part that keeps the "curves" intact. I also adjusted the "curves" to curve more if I cut them too straight. That was nice that the dough allowed me to do that.
While the cookies were baking Pey decided to give her Barbie doll and dog a makeover by making outfits for them out of Playdough.
For the royal icing, I used
this recipe. I needed to add a lot of powder sugar to the recipe to make it thicker, but I liked using it and it tastes pretty good! (I used Vanilla extract instead of Almond).
To decorate cookies with royal icing, I suggest you see these videos from YouTube. This channel is the reason why Peytyn wanted to decorate cookies in the first place. This is how it's
supposed to be done.
This is what I came up with..
These are the others the I iced. Well, I iced all of them. I was hoping Peytyn wouldn't get upset about not icing them with me (she was in bed) but I had a plan on something more fun for her to do with them.
I knew Konnor would say something about making Golden State Warriors cookies but that logo though..I'm sure I could do it but for the first time using royal icing, I wasn't sure about it. Plus it would be more fun to do that with Konnor.
Now for Pey's turn! It's pretty cool, I found these food markers at the store when I was buying the food coloring. I knew she would enjoy this more than icing the cookies. (I iced them last night so they would be dry in time for her to color before school.) It would be cool to see her ice a cookie and do the different colors like we've seen in the videos.
She loved coloring them!
She asked me to hold the cookie still for her so she can color it without it moving.
All her creations!!
I love her "rainbow" cookies the most I think.