Overall the pregnancy was great. I never had any morning sickness, I was just extra tired and would take naps in between my classes. My last term of school for the 08-09 school year I only had classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays and they were general classes and not too demanding which was great! I do remember two days that I felt a little nauseous but, whatever, I'll take it. Haha.
I also did not gain much weight. Which was fine up until the last few weeks of my pregnancy. I carried small and didn't really start showing until I was like 28 weeks pregnant. Obviously there was a bump there sooner but nothing too noticeable.
One thing that was troublesome was that when I was 32 weeks I was only measuring 28 weeks. So my doctor scheduled an ultrasound to check her weight and she turned out to be "small-ish" but it wasn't anything to worry about. Then a few weeks later (when I was seeing my doctor once a week) I had lost two pounds .. again that was concerning. Normally at this point you're supposed to gain a pound a week. I remember crying in my doctor's office and I could tell where on my body I lost the weight, my jeans were fitting looser but I also felt like I was eating normal. It was all confusing but the ultrasound helped me feel better about her growth separate from what was going on with my body.
The last month of my pregnancy was tough though. A month before I had her (about two months before her due date) a good friend of mine passed away. It was a very tough first week mourning the loss of Corey. But I was truly amazed with how my body handled it. I really don't remember much of that week but I remember looking back at the end of it and while my brain was aloof my body was still in check. It's like my body was doing what my brain was forgetting to do. I ate and slept pretty normally but it wasn't intentional - if that makes any sense? Not that I wouldn't have tried to eat and sleep normally but again, my brain and emotions were not in check.
Now the contractions. For the love...those things suck! I knew I wanted to wait as long as I could before getting the epideral but seriously. It sucked. I yelled at my dad at one point to shut up (sorry Dad!!). But I did make it clear to everyone in the room that no talking was allowed during contractions and there was a machine that beeped whenever I was having one so they knew what was going on.
I was in labor a total of six hours (which was great considering I was on pitocin). The first three and a half hours were the painful ones. I finally got my epideral and I was actually afraid to get one because I heard it hurt going in. But honestly, I did not feel one thing! I didn't like how it made me feel though. I hate the numb feeling of my legs. It made it so hard to push her out. How the hell do you "push" when you can't feel a thing. My favorite part of labor was the nap I had after receiving my epideral. BEST NAP EVER. Seriously, can I have another?
Once I woke up from my nap I had dilated to 8cm (an hour before I was at 4cm) and a few of my friends were there and it was awesome to see them. After not very long at all my nurse came to check in on me and when checking to see how dilated I was she told me to push. Um..what? I was alone in the room with this nurse and you want me to push? Once that contraction was over she called my mom and doctor and 11 minutes later out came the baby! I do want to add in that Peytyn was "right there" since I first arrived at the hospital. There was no way for her to be lower without slipping out on her own.
There was a little complication with Peytyn's heart rate dropping every time I had a contraction so that was another reason she came out so quickly..doctor took matters in her own hands to make sure she was okay.
On July 29th, 2009 at 11:41PM my baby Peytyn Cosette was born weighing 6 pounds 2 ounces and was 19 inches long. For being three weeks early that was a great weight! Especially since me and all my siblings were all about 6 pounds as well.
She had a head full of hair and out of all the crazies I heard and dumb pregnancy stereotypes the one and only thing that was consistent was that baby hair equals heartburn. And that was so so so true in our situation. It's what I felt was causing me to feel so sick at the end. It's funny actually, you could even see Peytyn's hair waving in the fluid during my last ultrasound.
We were able to leave the hospital two days later and she had great lungs and breast fed right away. So the two possible issues were totally fine.
I'm so happy and thankful that I have my Peytyn. She has been such an amazing daughter and I love her so much. It makes me sad thinking that next year at this time I'll be buying her school supplies!! But it will be so fun taking her to school and seeing her continue to grow.
I love you Peytyn!
A few days before giving birth. |
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