Monday, May 20, 2013


So I wrote this out and posted it to Instagram but it didn't stick (probably too long) so here it is:

So I just started running two weeks ago and so far I only do 30 minutes each time and today I was able to run the whole time without stopping. I'm not going for speed but for distance. This is a big deal for me since when I was younger running in PE was always so embarrassing for me and I was always the last to finish.

When I was a freshman I played rugby for a season and even though I sucked at it I became a pretty good runner but didn't stick with it. (Out of laziness, I really wanted to keep with it and continue to get better.) Then last year when I was working out twice a week at Diva Den Studios I gained 10 pounds in muscle and felt great about myself. But again, got busy and lost it all.

All my life people have given me a hard time about my weight and the way I look. I've been harassed, put down and talked about. Lucky for me I had wonderful friends in high school who would stick up for me when I wasn't around and set people straight and deny I had any eating disorders. I love them so much for that. I've never had an eating disorder and it's not that it hurt my feelings that people put me down for it, I was just annoyed that people were judgmental in general.

It's also annoying when people make comments about how I couldn't have been pregnant or say that I don't need to work out or make fun or me because I think I do. I don't work out to be skinny. I work out so I can be health and have a long life for Peytyn.

Health isn't about the number on the scale since everyone is different. But I know I want to gain 10+ pounds like I did last year and have substance to this body and to be fit. I know from experience that it's a good weight for me and I'll feel balanced like I did before. 

I'm not doing this for anyone but myself. (Well, I want to be healthy for my family.) I feel great when I work out. I sleep better. I eat better. I'm happier.

I find it funny how people call others "too fat" or "too skinny". Some people can never be satisfied and those are the people who will never be happy. People just need to realize that everyone is different and you can't compare anyone to another person due to health, genetics and lifestyles. Just do you and what makes you happy. 

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