So Miss Pey has her first ear infection. I am happy to say though that this is her first and for being three and a half that's pretty good! And what makes it even more bearable is that she's so good about it too.
She's had a cold for a few days now .. Sunday night I was up all night taking care of her. She slept a little bit throughout the night but with how high her fever was and the fact I knew she wouldn't stay asleep for long I couldn't sleep. It's difficult to sleep when your child is least for me it is. I get worried that I'll not be as responsive to her if I fall asleep.
Monday her fever was much better and her cough/cold was still around but seemed "normal".
Yesterday she still had a cough and a bit of a runny nose and her temperature was normal and she was super happy - running around being playful and silly and laughing. She seemed tired still from being sick but seemed to be getting better.
Today when I was at work she was fine according to her nanny and my mom but after I had been home for just a little bit she started to say her neck hurt and she would grab her right side of her neck beneath her ear. I gave her some Tylenol and took her for a drive so it could get her to fall asleep. It was only around 4:30 but she seemed like some sleep would really help and she appeared to be super tired. Sure enough within half a mile she was out. Once we got home she woke up within a few minutes and that's when she said her ear hurt. For two hours I was trying to calm her down and rock her to sleep. At first I was thinking maybe she was laying on her earrings in a funny way (I've been having that issue lately myself) but she kept telling me her ear hurt so it seemed to be more than just laying on it weird. And of course it's the evening and I'm thinking of the long night ahead of us since most doctor offices are closed. But I was wrong (thankfully).
I call her doctor's office at the Children's Clinic at Meridian Park with the intention to talk the advice nurse and that was it but she told me that Pey could be seen at 7:20 tonight. I was shocked and super grateful since I wanted to help Pey feel more comfortable and get her what she needed and not have to wait an extra 12+ hours.
It was a chore to leave the house though..Pey was not having it. She was uncomfortable and it took along time to get in the car. Once we're in and on our way she's calm and falls asleep holding her ear.
My mom (Coco) came with us which was nice so I could run into the pharmacy later and leave Pey in the car with her. And that way I could carry in Pey and not have to worry about my purse and have attention on her since Pey can be pretty sensitive when she's not feeling good.
We get to the office and when the nurse takes us back and I tell the nurse what's been going on the past few days the nurse turns to Pey at one point to ask her some questions and oh my goodness I wanted to cry. Partly because I was sad that she wasn't feeling good but also because I was so proud of her. Pey told the nurse that her ear hurt and answered questions the nurse had.
When the doctor came in, again, I was so proud of Peytyn. She stands up and starts to take off her robe because she knew he was going to want to check her. She sat on my lap and again, I tell the doctor the back story and he asks her questions and she answers and tells him what's wrong. She lets him look in her ears and check her throat.
And I gotta say..this doctor was so awesome. I like Peytyn's regular doctor and the other doctors within this office but I think he's my favorite so far.
Turns out that Pey's right ear is infected and her left ear is started to get a little one as well. So he called in her prescriptions and she took them like a champ. When my mom opened the amoxicillin she said it smelled like bubble gum so I naturally made a big deal and had to smell it. And that actually worked out in my favor because that got Pey excited and wanted to smell it as well. She wouldn't drink it at first though. She ran behind the couch but I told her it would help her ear feel better. After a minute or so she came out and decided she would take it. Again, I'm so proud of her. She understands that medicine is important to help her feel better and she's generally really good at taking things.
Then it was time for the ear drops. When that was pulled out she covered her mouth and nose and said "no". And I looked at my mom and told her to put in my ear so Pey could understand what it was. As she was sitting on my lap I tilted my head and then told Pey that it tickled. Pey immediately tilted her head and let me give her some. She really didn't like it but was still accepting of it. We'll see how she does later though when it comes to it. I'm guessing she'll let me give it to her again and not make too much of a fuss about it.
I'm so grateful for the good health Peytyn has had so far. And even more grateful with how good she is when she gets sick. And also so grateful for the doctor, nurses and pharmacy for being open in the evenings for things like this.
By the way if you are in the Portland area this office is open evenings and weekends! And in case you forgot or missed it, it's the Children's Clinic at Meridian Park in Tualatin and we saw Dr. Kilter tonight. Super nice guy .. even makes some jokes haha.
Now that this 6 hour adventure is over I need to get myself some more food. Only bummer about doing this as a single mom. I have no dude to tell me to make me food and have something ready for me haha. Oh well. We still got it good together. LOVE YOU PEYTYN!!
Have a good night everyone,
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